Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fukuoka gifts from Mr Son

Mr Son came to lab yesterday. He was off at Fukuoka, Japan for 9 days. Ahh~ So 羡慕! He was there by himself enjoy all the scenary, food, culture etc. He bought small little gift for us, Unagi biscuit and bubble gum. Yay yay! The bubble gums are soft and chewy and I've yet to try the unagi biscuit. Keke.

Cute Unagi Manju Box and one little packet inside that box

Close up view of the box.

That the inside of the little packet of unagi manju. It doesn't taste like unagi but shape like it.
It's sweet, creamy and soft. Seems like there are two different layers of soft biscuit that melts in your mouth. At the end of the bite, it will leave you a fruit taste.

Made in japan chewy bubble gum in cola flavour