Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve's exchange

It's christmas eve today. Everyone don't have the mood to work today. We also had a small exchange gifts session during break time. We draw lots to decide who gets whose present. I've got sherry's present. Inside of the present is a box of merci chocolates and a dvd. I enjoyed their company. They are a cute bunch of people. Enjoy your holiday girls.

All of our presents.
From the left: Angela, Me, Sherry, Jasmine, Hui Sun, Shirley and Shuting.

Angela got my present.
Hee. I didn't wrap the present cause the box is quite nice by itself.
Hope she like the present. Hee. Not sure if the design can be found in Singapore.

I've got Sherry's present.
She kept saying hope I don't mind the present.
Of course I won't dear. It's a gift.

Sherry got Shuting's present.
It's a tiny little one.

Shuting got Hui Sun's present.
That is one big and nicely wrap one.

Hui Sun got Jasmine's present.
Ooo...square one. Hmm. wonder what is inside.

Jasmine got Shirley's present.
Another nice wrap and medium size present.

Shirley got Angela's present.
It's the largest among all and almost similar wrapping.
This I really wonder what is inside. So big. Oh my!

All of us happily eating the local products that I bought from Phuket and unwrap all the present on at a time.

All of us with our presents open.
Yay! Merry Christmas everyone!
Angela got t-shirt written "ladies first", Sherry got a necklace, shuting got a massager, Shirley got a big bottle with two uses, Jasmine got a cloth peg shape shampoos, Hui Sun got desk calendar.