Wednesday, January 16, 2008

WHP Campus Walk Event

Today NYP's HR host their event Workplace Health Promotion Campus Walk Event for all the staff. This event is a 1.6km walk with a pedometer to track our number of steps. The Japanese says that if a person walks 10,000 steps a day would be a healthier person. It's really hard to reach 10,000 steps a day unless I do a little more exercise.

Warming up our bodies.

That's Tze Yong our gym instructor taking us for the warming up session.
Hui Sun, Jasmine and Shuting doing the warm ups.

Still doing the warm ups. Everyone doing their do.

Starting to have fun. Yeah!

Start of the walk.
First time there is such a big gang of staff doing the event.

Hui Sun and Jasmine.
Me and Shuting walking backwards to take pictures.