Saturday, December 1, 2007

Mummy's Birthday

It is mummy's special day today. We bought her a pink Guess bag which she saw it some time ago but didn't buy it. The little one went down to OG to get the bag. Didn't manage to plan her birthday dinner today cause me and dearest have to attend Cecilia and Huizhen's choir concert at Victoria Concert Hall. She represents her secondary as alumni. We sat 2nd row from the stage cause we want take some pictures of them singing. Managed to take only a little cause we are not allowed to take any pictures during the whole concert. Oops~

Most of their poly mates went to watch to give both of them support.
Aww~ How nice of all of them.

Both of them walking in and singing afterwards. They looked so cool up on stage.

One of them caught this guy (extreme right) from the alumni not dressing appropriately for the occassion.
My dearest felt that he don't have money to cut hair.

Dearest and his friend, Kelvin, was laughing almost through out of the concert cause one of the conductor was wearing quite a tight pants which will show her sexy underpants. Then they also saw a few "cute" students. It's either the student can't take properly or the student didn't sing as his mouth is like mumbling. I think enough talking about the students. I think i would prefer listening to muscial instruments.

Not forgetting most importantly:

Happy Birthday to Mummy!
Happy Birthday to Mummy!
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Mummy!